

This level is short and introduces movement and two main features. First is showing the player that they can collect glow flies around the level. Next is the glide mechanic showing players that they can glide in wind tunnels to move up. This level is made up of tiles representing dirt, wood and the night sky.  For decorations it has glowing mushrooms spread around the map. All tiles and sprites are made by me.

Level  1:

This level is a horizontal map which has the player moving up and down letting them get used to the glide mechanic. This level introduces vines with thorns into the game, They will damage the player when touched. The tiles used are the same in the tutorial level.

Level 2:

level 2 takes place in a cave which involves long drops and alternative paths the player will travel through to collect all the glow flies. At the end of the level the player will rise along a large path of wind avoiding thorns. The tiles used in this level are the dirt, dirt background and night sky tiles.  

Level 3:

The final level is a map which has the player ascend a tree all the way to the top while avoiding thorns and enemies without falling to lower levels.  This level involves platforming and periods where the player remains in the air for an extended period of time. Uses the wood, wood background and leaf background tiles.

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